Working with animals

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I’m not sure where the phrase ‘never work with animals’ came from and I highly disagree with it. Animals are the best and there’s nothing I love more than meeting your pooch or horse for a photo session.

If you know me, you’ll know I lost of my beloved Sakari once upon a time and one thing I will always be glad of are the photographic memories I have of her.

I really don’t think you need a reason to want to book one of these sessions (OK, I’m biased), but here are my top reasons why it’s a good idea.

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1. Way before you have a child, your pet is most definitely part of your family. You might even have started to refer to yourself as Mummy and Daddy (as if they can even understand). If you’re going to have pics on the walls of Uncle Jim and Auntie June or in albums of family members then surely, Rolo, the Daschund deserves to be there too?


2. It’s an extremely sad fact that us humans are way more likely to outlive our pets. Dogs are about 7 times as old as us so in all reality we know they won’t be around forever. Having a photo session is an amazing way to remember them and share keepsakes with the family to do the same.


3. They look great in family portraits! There are so many happy moments to be caught on camera when there is an animal about! Whether it’s an opportune lick on the face or a little head butt for attention, there is always a chance to capture some lovely moments on a family session with your pet involved.

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4. Finally, you might be a pet business who wants some lovely shots to use as marketing? Having high quality imagery of animals involved in your business can really help to sell your product.

Take a look at some further advice on pet shoots, my pet portfolio and pet sessions available to book right here.

Wait! Before you go, are you thinking that all this is great, but your dog won’t sit still long enough for a photo and will be a complete nightmare?! I get you!
Not only have I been trained by the UK’s top dog photographer, Andy Biggar, but I am also a whizz at photoshop. If your dog can’t be off the lead, no problem! If your dog won’t sit still, I’ve got you. It’s all about patience and catching the moment as it happens. If your dog doesn’t sit still, then why would you want a false image up on your walls? Catching them as they are is always the best way, you’ll see :)

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