Struggling to keep your kids entertained?

With the recent news of schools closing, I can hear every parent wondering what on earth they are going to do with their children for the foreseeable future, especially if we end up going into full lockdown.
I’m completely freaking out! My daughter is 3 and has the attention span of a gnat :/ She also only likes to paint in the colour red, so pretty soon our house is going to resemble something out of Dexter!

Luckily, I made myself a toddler activities Pinterest board a few years ago and I thought I would share it with you today.
It is mainly crafts, but I’m guessing that right now, anything is better than nothing! I really hope you all manage to find something useful to keep your little ones busy during a very stressful period. Some of these children’s activities might even amuse you ha ha!

I will keep adding more and more as I go along, so keep checking in to see what other activities I’ve found for you 🙂

Follow the link to view my board (and give it a follow)

I will also be adding various ideas to my Facebook page over the next few weeks, so if you’re not following me there yet, take a look and follow me 🙂

Happy crafting and good luck!

Selina x

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